Faculty, students, and staff in the Department of Health and Kinesiology study all aspects of health, rehabilitation, and human movement across the lifespan. Faculty Research Highlights summarizes some of these projects. Other research exploration includes:
Research Areas
Lifespan physical activity
Community health
Rehabilitation counseling
Well-being & inclusion
Physical culture & education
Human factors
Human performance
Research Labs
Aging, Caregiving, and Technology Lab (ACT)
Dr. Mina Raj
Aging and Diversity Lab
Dr. Andiara Schwingel
Adult Development, Adaptation, & Technology Laboratory (AdaptLab)
Dr. Shannon Mejía
Body Composition and Nutritional Neuroscience Laboratory
Dr. Naiman Khan
Disability Participation & Quality of Life Research Laboratory
Dr. Laura Rice
Disability and Movement Biomechanics Laboratory
Dr. Matthew Hanks
Exercise, Nutrition, and Epigenetics Research Group
Dr. Diego Hernandez-Saavedra
Exercise Technology & Cognition Laboratory
Dr. Sean Mullen
Exercise Psychophysiology Laboratory
Dr. Steve Petruzzello
Health Equity and Aging Lab
Susan Aguiñaga
Health Promotion and Rehabilitation Laboratory
Dr. Chung-Yi Chiu
Healthy Early-Life Environments Lab
Dr. Sheena Martenies
Multilevel Epidemiologic Assessment of Substance Use, Resilience, and Emotional Well-Being (MEASURE) Lab
Dr. Rachel Hoopsick
Human Factors & Aging Laboratory
Dr. Wendy Rogers
Longitudinal Analysis in Physical Activity, Sleep, Sitting, Screen Time and Accelerometry Lab (La PASSSTA)
Dr. Otavio Amaral de Andrade Leao
Laboratory for Emotion and Stress Assessment
Dr. Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo
Molecular Muscle Physiology
Dr. Marni Boppart
Musculoskeletal Morphology and Biomechanics Laboratory
Dr. Josh Leonardis
Nutrition and Exercise Performance Research Group
Dr. Nicholas Burd
Pedagogical Kinesiology Laboratory
Dr. Kevin Andrew Richards , Dr. Wesley J. Wilson, Dr. Kim C. Graber, Dr. Amelia M. Woods, Dr. Jamie O'Connor, Kristi Carlson
Physical Activity and Neurocognitive Health Laboratory
Dr. Dominika Pindus
Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Lab
Dr. Yih-Kuen Jan