Student Resources
College of Applied Health Sciences
Intercollegiate Transfer (ICT)
Students who are currently enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who transfer to a different undergraduate program on the same campus are considered intercollegiate transfers (ICT). Students who have completed one year (or one semester for transfer students) in their admitted program of study are eligible to apply to transfer to the College of Applied Health Sciences.
AHS Student Lounges
AHS offers a student lounge available for your use—3001 Khan Annex/Huff Hall (third floor). The lounge is open during building hours (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.).
This space allows you to:
- Study
- Catch up with friends
- Charge your devices
- Work with study groups
- Eat lunch
- Take a nap
- Print (third floor only – bring your own paper)
- And much more
Enjoy and we hope you put them to good use!
The Mannie L. Jackson Illinois Academic Enrichment and Leadership Program (I-LEAP) is committed to providing a support and an information base that validates the student experience and fosters a sense of belonging, engagement, and empowerment. Through bi-weekly one-on-one counseling, mentorship, tutoring, workshops, academic skills development, leadership training, and referrals to resources, the I-LEAP program aims to increase student success at the University of Illinois and within the campus community.
Disability Resources and Educational Services
Helps students with disabilities participate and benefit from curricular, co-curricular, and vocational opportunities at Illinois.
AHS Academic Policies
The official College of Applied Health Sciences web page containing policies and procedures, forms, petitions, and more.
College of Applied Health Sciences Degree Requirements
See the list of course requirements for each undergraduate program within the College of Applied Health Sciences.
- Kinesiology
- P. E. Teacher Certification
- Curriculum for concentrations in Health Education, Health Planning and Administration, or Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
- Curriculum for concentration in Community Recreation Management
- Curriculum for concentration in Sport Management
- Curriculum for concentration in Tourism Management
- Curriculum for concentrations in Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology or Human Communication Science
AHS Library
Visit the AHS Library to meet the staff, learn to use the library, and get information about:
- Ask-a-Librarian
- subject specialists
- course reserves
- interlibrary loans
- technology
JJ Pionke, MA, MSI
Applied Health Sciences Librarian
Assistant Professor, University Library
Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
100 Main Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr.
Urbana IL 61801
Course Information Suite
The Course Information Suite provides everything you need to know about courses. You can also use the UI-Integrate Self Service system to register for classes, check student records, pay bills, and find financial aid and graduation information.
- course catalog with class descriptions and schedules
- faculty teaching schedules and contact information
- course prerequisites, core requirements, general education requirements
- programs of study and complete list of campus majors and minors
Office of the Registrar
The registrar's office is responsible for keeping all student records, maintaining the accuracy and integrity of the record, protecting student data, and upholding and implementing academic policy. You will also find information about:
- grades, degree audits (DARS), class registration, order transcripts, diplomas, add/drop dates, and more
- academic deadlines—deadlines for adding or dropping a class and more.
Transfer Course Articulation
Search for UIUC equivalent coursework at other institutions.
Placement and Proficiency
Learn about AP scores, placement into Illinois courses, and proficiency examination dates.
GPA Calculator
Use this handy tool for calculating your grade point average.
Office of the Dean of Students
The Office of the Dean of Students provides student-centered advocacy, programs, and services and information about absences, student code, academic integrity policies, attendance policies, and more.
The Emergency Dean also resides in this department and is available around the clock to help students and families in an emergency by offering immediate assistance and follow-up services. The Emergency Dean Also acts as a resource to community and University law enforcement agencies, hospitals, and crisis centers.
Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library
Health Information Portal
A one-stop source that includes links to the latest articles, scientific journals, and related resources. Links are provided for more than 30 health specialties, including aging, alternative medicine, environmental health, oncology, toxicology and even veterinary medicine.