A Few Minutes With Brandon Peters
Media relations specialist Vince Lara of the College of Applied Health Sciences speaks with Illinois starting quarterback Brandon Peters, a graduate student in the Recreation, Sport and Tourism department of AHS.
Peters, who got his undergraduate degree at Michigan before transferring to Illinois, talks about why he picked RST and what he enjoys about the classes.
For more on RST and football, check out the podcast with Peters' teammate, Oluwole Betiku Jr.
VINCE LARA: This is Vince Lara at the College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois. Today, I speak with Brandon Peters, starting quarterback for the Illinois football team, and RST grad student.
I'm talking with Brandon Peters, who's the starting quarterback for the Illinois football team. So Brandon, how much did graduate programs-- in terms of deciding where you wanted to continue playing-- how much did the academics part of it, and how much, honestly, did the football playing part it have a play in your decision?
BRANDON PETERS: I would say football was the main focus for me. But, you know, when I came on my official visit, they kind of laid out the academic plan for me. And, you know, kind of weighing my options. Illinois being the university that it is, they offered the RST program for me to be in, and sport management was always something I was interested in at Michigan. And I just thought it was a great opportunity to come to Illinois, also at the academic level.
VINCE LARA: Now, you're taking some online courses, what I had read. But you're on campus obviously a lot. Have you run into any of your professors? Or have you had a chance to interact with any of them?
BRANDON PETERS: (Prof.) Tiger. Yeah. I'm going to set up a meeting with him, and just get to know him a little bit, and talk to him.
VINCE LARA: Now obviously, football's the goal. Right? Ultimately, whether it's the NFL, CFL, XFL, or whatever it is. But if that doesn't happen, or even thinking post-football, do you have any ideas? Like, maybe RST hopes? You know, like you can work as a GM, or you can work in-- you're doing sport management as your focus, right? So what have you thought about post-football?
BRANDON PETERS: I really haven't thought much into it yet. I still have another year to play. When it gets to that time, I think I'm going to think at it in more depth. But like you said, I've always thought about staying in the sport world, since I've always been so close to it my whole life. I think this will definitely help me propel myself into the future when I get to that point.
VINCE LARA: You're from Avon, Indiana.
VINCE LARA: So did the proximity of Illinois play a big factor in deciding to come here?
BRANDON PETERS: Yeah. I mean, the other school that I had a lot of interest in too was Miami, Ohio, which is even closer than Illinois. Being able to stay at home was a great opportunity for me. And then just to be even closer to my family, and they could come to even more games. You know, my elders, my grandma and grandpa can travel well to games. So you know, it's nice to have that.
VINCE LARA: Definitely. One last question I have for you. What classes are you taking right now?
BRANDON PETERS: RST 515 and 512.
VINCE LARA: 512? What are those courses like?
BRANDON PETERS: Organization and marketing.
VINCE LARA: My thanks to Brandon Peters. This has been A Few Minutes With.