KCH faculty work on Coronavirus viewed more than one million times in China
The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak has become a global health emergency.
Dr. Weimo Zhu, a professor in the Kinesiology and Community Health Department of the College of Applied Health Sciences, interviewed fellow KCH professor Dr. Jeff Woods on “Should, and how can, exercise be done during a coronavirus outbreak?” The paper was published in Journal of Sport Health and Science, and can also be downloaded here.
Dr. Zhu also formed a team at Illinois consisting of graduate students, visiting professors and students and developed a book and exercise video entitled, “Exercise against coronavirus”,
The book and video was published by People's Sports Press, the largest sport publisher in China. In fewer than two days, millions of people in China downloaded and viewed the book and videos. As of Feb. 17, it was viewed and downloaded 1,169,015 times.
Here are the video links of the exercise with and without oral instructions:
For more information, contact Dr. Zhu at weimozhu@illinois.edu