Academic standards
Academic Integrity
The University has the responsibility for maintaining academic integrity so as to protect the quality of education and research on our campus and to protect those who depend upon our integrity. It is the responsibility of the student to refrain from infractions of academic integrity, from conduct that may lead to suspicion of such infractions, and from conduct that aids others in such infractions. It is the responsibility of the faculty to establish and maintain an environment that supports academic integrity. An essential part of this faculty responsibility is the enforcement of existing standards of academic integrity; where faculty do not discourage and act upon violations of which they become aware, this has the effect of undermining respect for those standards.
Faculty members should provide students with a clear statement of their expectations concerning academic integrity. In these regulations, “faculty” includes an instructor or authorized staff member who supervises any academic endeavor. Students have been given notice of this rule by virtue of its publication. Regardless of whether a student has actually read this rule, a student is charged with knowledge of it. Ignorance of a rule is never a defense.
Grievance Policy
The following procedures specify ways in which an undergraduate might register a grievance and delineate the process for handling grievances, which are filed. Since the campus has procedures for handling allegations of capricious grading, cheating, and discrimination (see the Student Code), the procedures described below apply to all other grievances related to teaching, advising, and administrative affairs. For the link to the procedures for Academic Integrity Violations, please see https://studentcode.illinois.edu/article1/part4/1-404/. For capricious grading concerns please see https://studentcode.illinois.edu/article3/part1/3-107/.
Grievance Procedures for anything other than academic integrity
1. The student shall promptly seek informal resolution of the issue with the faculty or staff member directly involved and the immediate supervisor of the faculty or staff member. If after reasonable efforts a satisfactory solution is not reached, the student may file a grievance.
2. If the informal strategy fails to satisfy the student, the next step is to approach the supervisor (or department head) of the faculty or staff person and inform them of the issue being grieved. The supervisor (or department head) should be informed of the full scope and background of the grievance, and the student should identify the remedy being sought as part of the engagement of the supervisor.
3. If the student is still not satisfied with the appeal to the supervisor (or department head), then the student shall submit a letter to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs stating the reasons for the grievance and the remedy that is sought.
4. Upon receiving the grievance and determining that it represents an issue of substance, the Associate Dean shall appoint a hearing officer not affiliated with the unit of the person against whom the grievance is filed. The hearing officer shall attempt to mediate the dispute by working with both the student and the faculty/staff person involved in an effort to find a mutually satisfactory solution. If the Associate Dean decides that the grievance does not represent an issue of substance, she/he shall so inform the student and the remainder of this procedure shall not apply.
5. If efforts at mediation are unsuccessful, the hearing officer shall ask the faculty/staff member involved to submit a written response to the student's grievance. It is expected that the response shall be received by the hearing officer within 10 days of the request.
6. The hearing officer shall convene the Grievance Committee so that a hearing on the issue can be held as soon as possible.
7. The hearing shall be conducted by the hearing officer under the following guidelines:
1. The responsibility of establishing the validity of the grievance and the appropriateness of the suggested remedy shall be upon the student.
2. The student and/or the faculty/staff member may be accompanied by an adviser of his/her choice.
3. The hearing shall be closed to the public except when both parties agree that it should be open.
4. The hearing officer shall keep a record of the hearing, which shall include:
1. The names of those present,
2. A copy of any physical evidence (records, written testimony, duplicated materials, etc.) that is introduced, and
3. A record of the final decision of the committee and its rationale.
5. The hearing shall be conducted so that all parties to the dispute have an opportunity to present their views and to rebut those of other.
6. No final action shall be taken by the Committee and no testimony heard unless all voting members are present. All actionsshall require the agreement of at least two voting members.
7. The decision of the Grievance committee shall include a judgment concerning the validity of the alleged grievance and, if it is declared valid, a recommendation of a remedy for the harm done.
8. The decision of the Grievance Committee concerning both the finding relevant to the dispute and the suggested remedy shall be submitted to the Dean. The Dean may affirm, reverse, or ask the Committee to reconsider its actions. The Dean may also request additional information from the principals in the dispute in rendering a decision. The decision of the Dean represents the final action of the College. The student must find avenues outside of the College of Applied Health Sciences to pursue a redress of his/her grievance.
Grading System
The University uses a 4-point system of computation that includes plus (+) and minus (–) grades. The numerical values assigned to letter grades are listed. This method of calculation is used to determine honors, probationary and drop status, financial aid, scholastic awards and transfers between colleges on this campus.
Grade Value
A+ 4.00 A 4.00 A- 3.67 B+ 3.33 B 3.00 B- 2.67 C+ 2.33 C 2.00 C- 1.67 D+ 1.33 D 1.00 D- 0.67
Computation of Grade Point Average
To determine your GPA, multiply the number of grade points by the number of hours for each course. Add the total number of grade points; then divide by the total number of hours taken that semester. A grade point average calculator is also available for your use.
Grade Reports
Semester grade reports are posted to the University’s of the Registrar website. We encourage you to share the report with your parent(s) or guardian(s). Grades are not mailed to permanent addresses.
Grade Appeals
If you have questions regarding your semester grade in a course, confer directly with the instructor. If you also believe the grade awarded is demonstrably improper by reason of capricious or arbitrary grading, you should confer directly with the instructor of the course or, if the instructor is unavailable, with the head of the department. If you are unable to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution, you may file a written appeal with the Capricious Grading Committee of the department offering the course. Prompt attention to these concerns is important. The appeal must be filed within six working weeks after the start of the next semester.